Manny chases away this dangerous and vicious goat to protect the family.
(Brady) Manny has a vivid imagination. He has begun creating toys from everyday items. His favorite 'toy' to play with is just a neck pillow to me and you; but to Manny it's a vicious snake, aka “Peggy the Snake” (ferocious name!). The neck pillow attacks him regularly, and shockingly wins most of the time.
Although everyone here speaks English, the accents can be difficult to understand at times. For instance, we took a taxi home from a restaurant last night and the taxi driver was very soft spoken with a heavy accent. Before we got in the car, I asked “How much to take us to the Pentagon Inn?” The driver replied “3 Cedis (Approx $2)”. I couldn’t understand him and said “10 Cedis? (Approx $7)”. He repeated himself “3 Cedis”. Again, I misunderstood, and said “10 Cedis?” He paused, and said “yeah, sure”. I didn’t realize any of this until Christen told me later. Stupid Americans!
Christen was taking a shower yesterday and happily washing her hair with her eyes closed. When she opened them, the water was brown! It kind of looked like Ovaltine that wasn't properly mixed(I’ve never had Ovaline, but I picture it to look sometime like that). Christen was devastated at the thought of washing her hair in 'Ghanaian fecal looking water’. She cried (literally). Then she made me wash her hair with some bottled water. It was really gross! I couldn’t help but laugh a little (later).
I have decided to give my razor a break while on this trip. In fact, I am refusing to shave out of protest until the adoption is complete. My beard is coming in nicely. I like it, despite the fact that Christen tells me I look like a "Norwegian Terrorist"!
Top 8 Reasons Brady Thinks it is Awesome to have a 7 year Old Son from an African Orphanage:
8- He laughs at Daddy’s jokes
7- No breastfeeding needed (not that Brady would breastfeed anyway – but it’s one less thing for Mommy, which is good for Brady!)
6- Daddy can re-establish his coaching career immediately
5- Disney World trips will be awesome
4- Daddy gets to take him to Major League Baseball spring training next year in Florida (finally a reason to go!)
3- He was only living on $.50 a day before now – so he shouldn’t hurt the family budget
2- He poops without assistance (Thank God!)
1- My kid will dominate the Upward Soccer League at Temple... seriously.
Update: Nothing to report. We are still waiting for a final count on the fundraising effort back home. I will keep you posted.
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