As the weeks began to add up quickly, discouragement began to grow. Towards the end of the process we were very uncertain as to whether or not we would actually be allowed to bring Manny home to America. This didn't have anything to do with Manny's personal case per se, but rather, the many adoption cases from the same orphanage coming through the embassy at one time. There have been plenty of international adoption cases where families are awarded guardenship of a child through the foreign country's court, only to find that the US Embassy never allows the child to come home with the adoptive parents. What a perdicament that is! Our thought process was to cross each bridge as it came; and boy am I glad that one never did!
At some point, we began to question if God's plan for our lives was to even have Manny as our son. Essentially, we were mentally brought to the point where we knew nothing short of a miracle from God (seriously) would allow this adoption to happen. We didn't elaborate on all the details of the cases on the blog, but the picture that the Embassy painted was bleak.
Through it all, we were prayerful that God would bring about the outcome that would bring Him the most glory. Whether that be a two month time-frame, a two year time-frame, or never.
In the end, the Almighty (aka GOD) chose to display just how powerful and awesome He is by granting our adoption, against all odds, in a very short two month time frame (nine months total from our orginal decision date last November- how ironic:)!). He did all of this so that we might realize what a mighty God we serve and give Him His due glory.
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